Enable Auditing of Changes to msDS-KeyCredentialLink 

Jordan has been hanging around the tech industry for 25 years now and was baited hook, line, and sinker by Napster. He’s been part of the Black Hills Information Security team for a decade in various capacities and has been a part of Antisyphon Training’s amazing growth trajectory as an instructor.

Changes to the msds-KeyCredentialLink attribute are not audited/logged with standard audit configurations. This required serious investigations and a partner firm in infosec provided us the answer: TrustedSec. 

So, credit where it is due – this was amazing research: https://trustedsec.com/blog/a-hitch-hackers-guide-to-dacl-based-detections-part-1b. And this should resolve the lack of auditing on the attribute used so commonly of late to escalate privileges. 

Another shout out is due here to the Open Threat Research Forge, Roberto Rodriguez and Jose Luis Rodriguez. Their efforts for open source are significant and they wrote the Set-AuditRule.ps1 tool used in the next commands. https://github.com/OTRF/Set-AuditRule 

To configure Directory Service auditing of the msDS-CredentialLink attribute on all target objects in the domain, we must create a new AuditRule and specify the GUID of the attribute. The msDS-CredentialLink Schema GUID that will be added to the Audit Rule can be found here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-ada2/45916e5b-d66f-444e-b1e5-5b0666ed4d66

cn: ms-DS-Key-Credential-Link 
ldapDisplayName: msDS-KeyCredentialLink 
attributeID: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.2328 
omObjectClass: 1.2.840.113556. 
oMSyntax: 127 
isSingleValued: FALSE 
schemaIdGuid: 5b47d60f-6090-40b2-9f37-2a4de88f3063 
systemOnly: FALSE 
searchFlags: 0 
linkId: 2220 
attributeSecurityGUID: 9b026da6-0d3c-465c-8bee-5199d7165cba 
showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUE 

Now that we have the Schema GUID of the attribute, 5b47d60f-6090-40b2-9f37-2a4de88f3063 we can use Set-AuditRule.ps1 to add an Audit Rule at the top of our domain to all descendant objects in the domain. 

Import-Module ActiveDirectory  
iwr -Uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OTRF/Set-AuditRule/master/Set-AuditRule.ps1 -OutFile Set-AuditRule.ps1 
Import-Module .\Set-AuditRule.ps1 
Set-AuditRule -AdObjectPath 'AD:\DC=doazlab,DC=com' -WellKnownSidType WorldSid -Rights WriteProperty,GenericWrite -InheritanceFlags All -AttributeGUID 5b47d60f-6090-40b2-9f37-2a4de88f3063 -AuditFlags Success 

After configuring the Audit rule, future changes to objects’ msDS-KeyCredentialLink will create audit event logs if Directory Service auditing is enabled on the Domain Controllers. 

Detection Logic for Microsoft Sentinel 

Importing our logs into Sentinel, we can hunt for changes to msDS-KeyCredentialLink attributes using KQL. 

union Event, SecurityEvent  
| where EventID == 5136  
| parse EventData with * 'ObjectDN">' ObjectDN "<" *  
| parse EventData with * 'AttributeLDAPDisplayName">' ModifiedAttribute "<" *  
| where ModifiedAttribute == "msDS-KeyCredentialLink" 
| project Computer , TimeGenerated , Activity, ObjectDN, ModifiedAttribute 

This content is also available on GitHub at https://github.com/DefensiveOrigins/Detect-msDS-KeyCredentialLink 

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