At Black Hills Information Security (BHIS), we strive to strengthen our customers’ information security infrastructure and employees through penetration testing, consulting, and defensive security services. Since our founding in 2008, companies of all sizes, from small community banks to Fortune 100 companies, have entrusted us with their business. 

John Strand, Owner
John Strand, Owner

Each time we work with a customer, we strive to answer the following critical security question:

“What actions are needed in order to improve your infrastructure, staff, and organization?” 

We recognize that penetration testing is both a science and an art, which requires discretion and good judgment. Like any complex practice, penetration testing depends upon the ability of the artist to apply knowledge and tools in a way that achieves maximum effect. Indeed, information security involves tradeoffs between security, cost, and operations. That’s why at BHIS we strive to understand your organization from a holistic perspective, taking into consideration your objectives and unique constraints.

Dedicated to a collaborative rather than an adversarial approach, we seek to embolden rather than discourage your employees. We aim to ensure that your employees can recreate what we have done in penetration tests by writing clear and actionable reports. We also recognize the extraordinary importance of continuous professional education. As such, we produce informative webcasts and podcasts on a regular basis, develop and maintain cutting-edge open-source tools, and offer an incident response card game, Backdoors & Breaches, to help conduct tabletop exercises. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help you, please contact us here.