
Phishing Made Easy(ish)
Hannah Cartier // Social engineering, especially phishing, is becoming increasingly prevalent in red team engagements as well as real-world attacks. As security awareness improves and systems become more locked down, […]

Wireless Hack Packages Update
Jordan Drysdale// With Wild West Hackin’ Fest 2018 coming up (!!!), here’s a preview of some things you might see in the wireless labs. First, s0lst1c3’s eaphammer. @relkci and I […]

WEBCAST: Two Covert C2 Channels
John Strand // In this webcast, we walk through different tools to establish and test your Command and Control (C2) detection capabilities. Why does this matter? Almost all organizations we […]

OS Command Injection; The Pain, The Gain
Carrie Roberts // OS Command Injection is fun. I recently found this vulnerability on a web application I was testing (thanks to Burp Suite scanner). I was excited because I […]
Bitlocker Ransomware: Using BitLocker for Nefarious Reasons
Editor’s Note: We’re excited to publish our first guest post! If you’d like to guest post on our blog DM us on Twitter, or use our contact form to contact us […]
You Down With APP? (Yeah You Know Me)
Derek Banks // Yes, I date myself with reference in the title of this blog post. I can be lame like that. A fair amount of my time at $last_gig […]

Hacking Like It’s 1999
Lawrence Hoffman // Last week a friend stopped by my desk with a worried look on his face. He knelt down and showed me the screen of his laptop where […]