Webcast: Building a Small and Flexible Wireless Exfiltration Box with SDR
Do you want to know how we learned Software Defined Radio? We learned it from Paul.
We also learned by getting our hands dirty with projects. For this webcast (originally recorded live on 4/11/19) , we sit down with Paul as he builds a wireless data exfil box from scratch. It is going to be awesome.
As always, the best way to learn is by doing.
Take Paul’s SDR training course at Wild West Hackin’ Fest 2019 – https://www.wildwesthackinfest.com/now/training/#schedule
In this one-hour webcast, Paul presents a small form factor system that can wirelessly exfiltrate digital data. To avoid detection this system utilizes a user-configurable set of frequencies and digital modes, both of which can be changed on the fly.
He had to solve a number of practical problems to build this system, and he’ll show you his solutions as well as best practices for coding SDR applications.
Demo: This is where Paul got his Wireless Exfil Box w/ SDR demo to work properly.
Who is Paul Clark?
Paul Clark is owner and chief engineer at Factoria Labs, an organization dedicated to the propagation of Software Defined Radio (SDR). He has experience ranging from chip design to firmware development to RF reverse engineering. He’s co-author of the Field Expedient SDR series and has spoken at ShmooCon and the Wild West Hackin’ Fest. He also teaches SDR classes and will be doing so this August at Black Hat USA 2019.
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